Hourly Sketch Pages will be discontinued August 2nd.

I know this is a little abrupt, especially considering that Hourly Sketch Pages are one of the more popular things I offer. But over the past year I’ve noticed how hard they are on my body, especially when a large portion of my work is sketching continuously for hours on end. In an effort to preserve my hand/arm and make things less mentally taxing on me, I’ll be removing hourly commission options from my offerings.

Sketches will still available at a per character price and you will have until August 2nd to schedule a sketch page if you would like one! There is a possibility I may revise them and bring them back in some fashion at a later time, but for now I will be focusing my time and energy during my commission hours on my other items.

Remember to visit the commission page for all the information you need on grabbing your own commission!